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  • Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! ve funkci DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (řádek: 175 v souboru /mnt/data/accounts/m/metaops/data/www/inkluzivnidrupal/includes/entity.inc).
  • Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference ve funkci inklu2017_preprocess_page() (řádek: 18 v souboru /mnt/data/accounts/m/metaops/data/www/inkluzivnidrupal/sites/all/themes/inklu2017/template.php).

Czech – language and communication

This portal is determined mainly for Czech teachers, therefore the English version is only informative to make an elementary idea what teachers can find here.

This part focuses on Czech as a second language and also on the communication with a foreigner.

The first three chapters are intended for Czech language teachers and to anyone who wants to know what teaching Czech really involves:

In the chapter called Czech as a second language you will find general facts about Czech language, information about courses for Czech teachers, specialized publications and language diagnostics.

In the chapter Teaching Czech as a second language you'll find instructions, activities and materials for teaching.

The chapter called Textbooks and online links contains information about sources which you can use for teaching.

Chapter number 4: Communication, is not about teaching Czech, it is for anyone who wants to communicate with a foreigner and how to reach the best possible comprehension. You will find easy rules and tips to accomplish this.

You will find advice and instruction about how to persuede pupils with a different mother tongue to actively participate in learning Czech language in the section titled Pedagogy, chapter language and communication.

Tips about how to organize a Czech language course for foreigners in your school are in the section Organization under link Czech courses for foreigners.

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Portál byl vytvořen za finanční podpory Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, Evropského fondu pro integraci státních příslušníků třetích zemí a Ministerstva vnitra ČR.