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Introduction or: who are the migrants coming to the Czech republic and where do they come from?

Welcome to the informative web portal Inkluzivní škola (inclusive school)!

This portal is determined mainly for Czech teachers, therefore the English version is only informative to make an elementary idea what teachers can find here.

This portal is dedicated to the issues of education and inclusion of pupils, who grew up and were brought up in a different environment, both culture- and languagewise. Their knowledge of Czech language is often insufficient or non-existant and yet they are expected to become a part of the educational process in a relatively short time. This situation is not easy neither for the foreign children, nor for the teachers, who have to deal with the situation. This portal was created by META, o.p.s. Association for the Oportunities for Young Migrants on teachers requests for an informative and methodoligical source, which would focus on work with this diverse group of pupils.

The portal is divided into a few thematic parts and also provides a lot of method-based materials and worksheets to download, examples of best practices, contacts, professional essays etc. This brief introduction will tell you How to navigate through the pages.

This section is dedicated to the issues of migration and its relationship to education. The topics presented here are important for us to understand the situations that foreign pupils and their parents get into. The system of education is often difficult for parents to understand. That can be the cause of many problems that Czech parents don´t know about and have never had to deal with. The Chapter On migration is a short introduction to the topic of migration as a global social phenomenon. There is a chapter dedicated to the situation of foreigners living in the Czech Republic. Not only will you find statistics here, you also will find an overview of basic legislation defining the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic. In this chapter you will also find legislation which regulates the schooling of foreigners within the Czech education system.
The following chapter consists of a brief description of the situation of foreign pupils in Czech schools. You will find statistics and information about the largest foreign comunities in the Czech School System. The following part will give you basic information about the countries and where most foreign pupils come from. You will find this information about specific countries in the cultural profiles database. In case you are interested and want to learn more, we have prepared an educational systems database for you. You'll find examples of different curriculum in foreign schools, what evaluation system they use, the amount of lessons taught within a subject and other interesting details. This information makes it easier to have an idea what is the educational history of the new pupils.

It is our belief you will find answers to many of your questions related to the issue of education and integration of pupils with a different mother tongue on this portal. If you still have questions, please contact us on the following address here

Logo občanského sdružení META.

Portál byl vytvořen za finanční podpory Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, Evropského fondu pro integraci státních příslušníků třetích zemí a Ministerstva vnitra ČR.