+420 773 304 464 info@meta-ops.cz

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Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference ve funkci inklu2017_preprocess_page() (řádek: 18 v souboru /mnt/data/accounts/m/metaops/data/www/inkluzivnidrupal/sites/all/themes/inklu2017/template.php).

Sources and inspiration

This portal is determined mainly for Czech teachers, therefore the English version is only informative to make an elementary idea what teachers can find here.

This section was created to enable a quick access to all types of information, contacts and sources of inspiration. You will find examples of best practices, case studies, documents, training materials to download and interesting links. All of the extra information is comprehensively organized and divided by theme. This information is connected to a particular chapter in the portal. There are selected sources and insiration to click on on the right side of each chapter.

Logo občanského sdružení META.

Portál byl vytvořen za finanční podpory Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, Evropského fondu pro integraci státních příslušníků třetích zemí a Ministerstva vnitra ČR.